Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rome: A new exhibit celebrates Caravaggio

Our tickets are for March 15th @ 5 pm
The NY Times Declares this show

An Italian Antihero’s Time to Shine

Here is a list of Caravaggios not in the exhibit but that are hanging in churches in Rome, it's in Italian but I think we can figure it out.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Chocolate in Perugia

You can buy Perugina chocolates anywhere in Italy, but when we're in Perugia, we should check out the Cioccolateria Augusta Perusia on Via Pinturicchio, near the University for Foreigners. It's owned by an ex-Perugina employee who is passionate about chocolate, and focusses on reproducing authentic Perugina recipes. I say authentic because Perugina is now owned by Nestle' and the difference shows. Try tasting the "original" Bacio at this shop and compare it with the Perugina product.

If we want to tour the Perugina Factory, we need to call and book it, maybe we can decide when we are there.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Rome Marathon March 21st , need to register by 3/20

Maratona di Roma For the Love of a Roman T-Shirt

Roma Fun Run , 4K "La Stracittadina", one of the many races of its kind with one of the highest participation rates in the world, awaits all in the centre of Rome on March, 21st 2010 , immediately following the start of the 42,195k Marathon. We can register at the Marathon Village until the day before the race: € 7,00 included official t-shirt.

Excavations of St Peter's March 15 11:00 am

Every visit to the Excavations is led by a specialized Guide. link to excavation
The visit lasts about an hour and a half. Those who suffer from claustrophobia, should not visit.
Please use the Reference Number 135309 in any future correspondence concerning this reservation.
Since the visitors will see the tomb of St. Peter during the course of the tour, they must be dressed in a manner appropriate to a sacred place. Be in the office 10 minutes before the time of the visit
The Excavations Office is reached through the Holy Office Gate (through Colonnade to the left): ask the Swiss Guard for the Excavations Office.The visitors are reminded that they are not allowed to bring bulky objects into the excavations. Large bags and backpacks must be deposited there prior to coming to the Excavations Office. St. Peter’s Basilica offers a free bag check service located in the lower right façade of Basilica. A visitor who would arrive late or with a large bag would not be allowed to join the visit.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Audience with the Pope March 17

St. Patrick's Day....not a big Italian holiday, is it?
Audience @ 10:30 am
We pick up tickets Tuesday 3/16 btween 3-7pm
email: refer to for information on Rome
Dear Susan,

We will be happy to request 8 biglietti ticket invitations for the Papal Audience on Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at 10:30 AM. Please come for your tickets here at Via dell'Umiltà, 30, near the Trevi fountain.

May you enjoy safe travel and a spiritually fruitful visit to Roma.

In Christ Jesus,
Sister Maria Howell, RSM
Secretary to Monsignor Roger C. Roensch

Sunday, January 3, 2010

March 16th, Felliniesque Spectacle

Where: Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne
When: 16 Mar (8am-1pm)
San Filippo Neri performed one of his most celebrated miracles in the palazzo of the noble Massimo family. Called to administer the last rites to young Paolo Massimo, the saint found the boy already dead; undaunted, he revived Paolo, chatted for a while, then – when the boy was ready to meet his maker – commended him to God. On the anniversary, after a private mass, a procession of family, servants and altar boys escorts the presiding cardinal or archbishop to a private room for a slap-up buffet. Turn up around 11.30am to witness the spectacle in all its Felliniesque glory.